Sponsorship Opportunities
The Vancouver Challenge Cup would like to express our sincere gratitude to our sponsors. Your desire to help and willingness to contribute is invaluable to our event. Thank you for committing your time, resources and energy towards making the Vancouver Challenge Cup a huge success and for helping the local dance community grow and flourish.
We have numerous sponsorship opportunities in the form of Event Sponsors, Trophy Sponsors and Prize Purse Sponsors. Here are a list of the benefits for each of our sponsor packages:
General Event Sponsorship
Diamond level ($5,000+)
- Be the presenting sponsor of our event
- Company Logo on A-frame signs on the ballroom floor
- 10 Premium seats for Friday & Saturday
- Awards Presentation during the event
- Photo with the recipients of awards
- Front page name and logo on the website
- Name and logo on signs throughout the event space
- Dedicated space to display your own banners and ads at the event
- Announcements during the event
Platinum Level ($2,500+)
- 8 Premium seats for Friday & Saturday
- Awards Presentation during the event
- Photo with the recipients of awards
- Front page name and logo on the website
- Name and logo on signs throughout the event space
- Dedicated space to display your own banners and ads at the event
- Announcements during the event
Gold Level ($1,000+)
- 4 Premium seats for Friday & Saturday
- Awards Presentation during the event
- Photo with the recipients of awards
- Honorable mention on the website
- Announcements during the event
Silver Level ($500+)
- 2 Premium seats for Friday & Saturday
- Awards Presentation during the event
- Photo with the recipients of awards
- Honorable mention on the website
- Announcements during the event
Trophy Sponsorship $250+
Your sponsorship provides a stunning large perpetual trophy that gets seen and admired year after year as new winners take home their treasured symbol of success and bring it back the next year so that it can be given to a new winner. Your name is featured on the engraved plate for the event you’re sponsoring.
- Name engraved on the trophy plaque
- Annual Awards presentation
- Photo with the recipients of awards
For the events that have been sponsored please check our sponsors page by clicking here. For a full list of available events you can sponsor, please contact us at info@vancouverchallengecup.com
Prize Purse Sponsors
- Awards Presentation
- Photo with the recipients of awards
Amateur Event Sponsorship
This is an excellent opportunity to help out the local dance community by sponsoring one of our amateur events. Your sponsorship will go towards the medals and awards needed for that category. In return your name will be announced at the start of the event, and will also present the award. ie: Amateur Silver Standard - Sponsored by "Your Name Here". Sponsors can also help present the awards for that category. This opportunity is open to both individuals and companies. Amateur Event Sponsorship starts at $200 per event.
Contact Us Today
Interested sponsors, please contact us at: sponsorship@vancouverchallengecup.com